Work through the changes you want to make in your own life . . . Overcoming anxiety, managing your anger, getting on top of depression. Receive practical guidance from an expert. Discover answers for the questions that have plagued you. Finally find solutions for the things that have held you back for so long.
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Scientific studies over the last 2 or 3 decades have given us real facts about what makes relationships work. It isn't a matter of opinion or theory anymore. You can quickly learn tools and insights to make your relationship better. Choose from several ways to achieve these changes:
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If you are doing OK with your life, but you're running into obstacles pursuing a practical goal, coaching may be your choice. We can schedule 15-60 minute touch-points on the phone to clarify steps to take towards your goal. It is crisp, focused, and action-oriented. Also, while in counseling to solve a problem, I can offer practical input between sessions to improve your progress more quickly.
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Save time and money by taking scientifically proven tests that pinpoint exactly what's going on for you as a person, or as a couple. Like x-rays at the doctor, assessments provide an accurate, quick understanding of the hidden causes of the roadblocks that keep you from moving forward, and then pinpoints the direction needed for change.
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